Why is "&reg" being rendered as "®" without the bounding semicolon

Solution 1:

Although valid character references always have a semicolon at the end, some invalid named character references without a semicolon are, for backward compatibility reasons, recognized by modern browsers' HTML parsers.

Either you know what that entire list is, or you follow the HTML5 rules for when & is valid without being escaped (e.g. when followed by a space) or otherwise always escape & as & whenever in doubt.

For reference, the full list of named character references that are recognized without a semicolon is:

AElig, AMP, Aacute, Acirc, Agrave, Aring, Atilde, Auml, COPY, Ccedil, ETH, Eacute, Ecirc, Egrave, Euml, GT, Iacute, Icirc, Igrave, Iuml, LT, Ntilde, Oacute, Ocirc, Ograve, Oslash, Otilde, Ouml, QUOT, REG, THORN, Uacute, Ucirc, Ugrave, Uuml, Yacute, aacute, acirc, acute, aelig, agrave, amp, aring, atilde, auml, brvbar, ccedil, cedil, cent, copy, curren, deg, divide, eacute, ecirc, egrave, eth, euml, frac12, frac14, frac34, gt, iacute, icirc, iexcl, igrave, iquest, iuml, laquo, lt, macr, micro, middot, nbsp, not, ntilde, oacute, ocirc, ograve, ordf, ordm, oslash, otilde, ouml, para, plusmn, pound, quot, raquo, reg, sect, shy, sup1, sup2, sup3, szlig, thorn, times, uacute, ucirc, ugrave, uml, uuml, yacute, yen, yuml

However, it should be noted that only when in an attribute value, named character references in the above list are not processed as such by conforming HTML5 parsers if the next character is a = or a alphanumeric ASCII character.

For the full list of named character references with or without ending semicolons, see here.

Solution 2:

This is a very messy business and depends on context (text content vs. attribute value).

Formally, by HTML specs up to and including HTML 4.01, an entity reference may appear without trailing semicolon, if the next character is not a name character. So e.g. &region= would be syntactically correct but undefined, as entity region has not been defined. XHTML makes the trailing semicolon required.

Browsers have traditionally played by other rules, though. Due to the common syntax of query URLs, they parse e.g. href="http://ravercats.com/meow?foo=bar&region=catnip" so that &region is not treated as an entity reference but as just text data. And authors mostly used such constructs, even though they are formally incorrect.

Contrary to what the question seems to be saying, href="http://ravercats.com/meow?foo=bar&region=catnip" actually works well. Problems arise when the string is not in an attribute value but inside text content, which is rather uncommon: we don’t normally write URLs in text. In text, &region= gets processed so that &reg is recognized as an entity reference (for “®”) and the rest is just character data. Such odd behavior is being made official in HTML5 CR, where clause Tokenizing character references describes the “double standard”:

If the character reference is being consumed as part of an attribute, and the last character matched is not a ";" (U+003B) character, and the next character is either a "=" (U+003D) character or in the range ASCII digits, uppercase ASCII letters, or lowercase ASCII letters, then, for historical reasons, all the characters that were matched after the U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) must be unconsumed, and nothing is returned.

Thus, in an attribute value, even &reg= would not be treated as containing a character reference, and still less &region=. (But reg_test= is a different case, due to the underscore character.)

In text content, other rules apply. The construct &region= causes then a parse error (by HTML5 CR rules), but with well-defined error handling: &reg is recognized as a character reference.