What's a good word for a category of non-technical blog posts?
Solution 1:
You can use "miscellaneous" or "miscellany".
miscellaneous: composed of or containing a variety of things; mixed; varied
miscellany: a collection of various items or parts.
Or simply "other".
"miscellaneous posts" is a very common usage also.
Solution 2:
Call it "the insane ramblings of a mad arab".
Solution 3:
Tech is Zeros&Ones, so you could call it Twos&Threes.
Solution 4:
Joey Hess calls it "lay" on his blog, so you could use that or maybe "lay person" to be clearer. I suppose you could also call them "accessible," but in the context it would probably sound like you're writing about accessibility online or paying yourself a compliment.
Solution 5:
How about calling them rambles?
It has lots of nice connotations, including talking aimlessly, if you're not taking yourself too seriously.