How did BBSes allow multiple users to dial in at once?

ISP's that supplied dial-up back then just had banks of telephone lines and modems so that multiple users could dial in simultaneously.

There was most certainly a limit on number of callers (= number of modems and lines they had). I do recall getting up early on weekend mornings with my repeat dialer and let it run until it connected.

Very simple and low grade technology but it worked.


That was the dial-up system I used in the later 1980's

The the 80's you could implement roll-down lines with either your phone company, or install a local PBX in your building that also did roll-down. So, if the primary line was busy, the next number or extension on a PBX would ring.

Then it was a matter of multiple machine hardware (Computer, Modem, etc) - you could do one environment per phone number. Eventually things evolved to allow for multiple phone lines/modems to a single computer if the BBS software was self-multitasking... or,

There were time-slicing solutions like Desqview, DoubleDOS, PC/MOS, etc. (again all of these solutions were pre-Windows 95/NT.) and eventually some of us (Sysops and BBS Authors) started migrating our software to Windows and Linux - to cut-down the cost of all the hardware, and run multiple "nodes" on a single computer.

(*) Note for those who care, there are some of us (BBS Authors) who are still actively developing solutions for the BBS community ... I am doing the rewrite of ProBoard BBS, still keeping a 16/Bit DOS build on the to-do list, along with support for native TCP/IP based solutions. An FYI, the 16/Bit DOS builds work with tricks like DOSBox (which allows us to set serial ports as Virtual modems, and allow DOSBox to do the COMPORT<->TCP proxy for us. And another solution is NetSerial and/or Net2BBS from - Mike is active in helping people convert their modern Windows systems to work with older BBS applications.