could not access the package manager. is the system running while installing android application

While installing the android application in the emulator I am getting the following error.

Please help me to resolve this error.

Error message:

emulator.exe -avd avd_name

adb wait-for-device    

adb install path-to.apk    

could not access the package manager. is the system running while installing android application....

Solution 1:

You need to wait for the emulator to full start - takes a few minutes. Once it is fully started (UI on the emulator will change), it should work.

You will need to restart the app after the emulator is running and choose the running emulator when prompted.

Solution 2:

As other have said, this error occurs because the emulator is still in the process of launching. An attempt to access the package manager, for the device, at this time causes an error.

It's just a simple timing issue. Here are the steps to avoid this error:

  1. Wait until the emulator 'lock screen' is showing.
  2. Run the 'app' again (^R in most IDE's).
  3. Choose the running device (Should be the same emulator).

App should install without error.

Solution 3:

In my case it was just that the emulator took 9 minutes to start. Wait until you see the lock icon on the emulator LCD. Or use actual tablet or phone.

Solution 4:

Facing Same issues following Link helped solving the problem. The above solutions were not helpful for me. deployment-failed-could-not-access-the-package-manager-is-the-system-running

By restarting server using CMD application was back to work. Open cmd (Run as administrator), open this

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools

(this path must specify your android-sdk installation folder )

Now, first write, adb kill-server and then adb start-server.