How to add a twitter bootstrap tooltip to an icon

I've recently used it like this:

 <i class="icon-ok-sign" rel="tooltip" title="Key active" id="blah"></i>

Which produces:

enter image description here

You set the positioning of the tooltip and other features(delays etc) by declaring it using js:

    $("[rel=tooltip]").tooltip({ placement: 'right'});

As mentioned in comments, you can find other attributes/options here.

You might be forgetting to initialize your tooltips with .tooltip().

The .tooltip() function must be called on every element that you want to have a tooltip listener. This is for performance purposes. You can initialize a bunch at once by calling the function on a parent, like so: $('.tooltip-group').tooltip()

View the initialize function on one element on JSFiddle.


$(document).ready(function() {


  Sensors Permissions
  <i class="icon-info-sign" data-toggle="tooltip" title="first tooltip" id='example'></i>