Idiom for someone who works fast without paying attention to the quality?

Is there any idiom or any suitable words for someone who works fast without paying attention to the quality?

"Quick and dirty"

l am not interested in a quick and dirty job. I want it done right. The contractor made a lot of money on quick and dirty projects that would never last very long.

The following phrase is a very well-known proverb and is often said in cases when we advise someone against rushing a task or performing it poorly.

If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well.

Proverb: If you decide to do something, do it as well as you possibly can

Bruce never did sloppy work. He believed that if something is worth doing, it's worth doing well.

A suitable word that describes someone who works fast but carelessly is the adjective slapdash

He gets his work done quickly, but he's very slapdash

I would simply reverse a common phrase and use, quantity over quality.

Shoveling is often used in this context: "he's just shoveling it out."

As an idiom: give something a lick and a promise

(American & Australian old-fashioned) to do a job or piece of work quickly and not carefully

We didn't have time to do much clearing up in the yard - just gave the grass a lick and a promise.

It is old-fashioned but it is still used today. Sometimes used as "a lick and a promise".

Also, as an idiom: once-over-lightly

1. Fig. a quick and careless treatment. (A noun. Said of an act of cleaning, studying, examination, or appraisal.)

Bill gave his geometry the once-over-lightly and then quit studying. Ann, you didn't wash the dishes properly. They only got a once-over-lightly.

2. Fig. cursory; in a quick and careless manner. (An adverb.)

Tom studied geometry once-over-lightly. Ann washed the dishes once-over-lightly.