How can I have Safari on OS X remember to permanently trust a website with my current location? [duplicate]

The only options on the location privacy prompt are 'Allow' or 'Don't Allow', with a 'Remember my decision for one day' modifier checkbox as well. But what if there's a site that I trust in perpetuity? I want to give it permission to access my location forever. Why can't I do that?

Safari 8.0 on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Solution 1:

But what if there's a site that I trust in perpetuity?

If you want to trust a site in perpetuity check "Prompt for each website one time only" in Settings>Privacy, visit the site, in the sheet that appears check the option "Remember my decision and don't ask me again" and click the Allow button: enter image description here

If you get prompted to allow Safari to use your location, press the OK button: enter image description here

Note that the Cookies and Website Data>Details section in Safari: enter image description here

doesn't mention whether a specific site can access your location information: enter image description here so you might lose track of which sites you allowed.

For more information visit this article: