AngularJS - extra blank option added using ng-repeat in select tag

I have a listbox that I am creating with a select, using AngularJS ng-repeat. The listbox is created correctly, and when I select one of the items and click my button, I get to the function and have the information I need.

My html code is as follows:

<select size="6" ng-model="item" ng-options=" for s in itemlist"></select>
<button class="btn tt-btn-blue" ng-model="singleModel" ng-click="onLoadClicked(">Load</button>

My problem is that when the listbox paints, it has one item at the top that is blank. When I inspect the listbox during a run in Chrome, I get the following output in the console:

<select size="6" ng-model="item" ng-options=" for s in itemlist" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
<option value="?" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="0">Item 1</option>
<option value="1">Item 2</option>
<option value="2">Item 3</option>
<option value="3">Item 4</option>
<option value="4">Item 5</option>
<option value="5">Item 6</option>

I am wondering how I can get rid of the first option inserted by the ng-repeat. I don't want to see a blank space at the top of the listbox. I realize one option would be to set the first actual option (value="0") as the selected item, but I would rather have no selected items to start.

Solution 1:

Any time you see <option value="?" selected="selected"></option> in the select, it means that your ng-model is set to a value that isn't in the ng-options. So, if you don't want the blank option, you need to make sure item is set to a value in your itemlist. This could be as easy as having the following in your controller:

$scope.item = $scope.itemlist[0];

This will give it an inital value, and then angular will update it for you thereafter.

Solution 2:

simplest way to make sure that automatically added option by angular is hidden is ng-if directive.

<select ng-options=" as option.description for option in Options">
    <option value="" ng-if="false"></option>