Is it possible to verb anything other than a noun?

Is it possible to verb anything other than a noun?

Although slightly meta, I noticed that English SE has verbing as a tag, rather than verbing-nouns.

Solution 1:

Yes, you can for example verb an adjective.

Verbing weirds language.

Solution 2:

Garner's Modern American Usage has a nice discussion of "Adjectives as Verbs" under the heading Functional Variation. E. Garner warns that these transformations often have a trendy or jargonistic quality but adds,

There are exceptions (greening rooftops). And to copyeditors, it is natural to talk about lowercasing and uppercasing words.

Solution 3:

Several adjectives for colors have been verbed.

In addition to the recent use of greening (in the environmental sense), there's the yellowing of paper. We also brown foods, such as ground beef. Interestingly, we blacken foods; we don't black them. And we whiten clothes and teeth. Rounding out the colors, people have greying hair.