How do I receive Celebi from the Pokemon Bank?

Solution 1:

Note that this Celebi event has ended, thus is no longer obtainable as a prize from Pokebank.

Original instructions:

You will receive Celebi the SECOND time you run the Pokebank.

The steps I took were:

  • Ran the Pokebank for the first time, agreed to the terms & free trial
  • Chose a gift option (choice between Battle Points & Pokemiles)
  • Transferred some Pokémon to the Bank
  • Went and claimed the Battle Points from the Pokemon Start Menu 'Link Gift' option (screenshot below)
  • Loaded & Saved the game
  • Quit and went back into the Pokebank
  • Received Celebi

I am not sure if you need to transfer Pokemon or simply close and reopen the Pokebank in order to receive Celebi According to a few different reports you don't need to transfer Pokemon at all, just close and reopen the Pokebank - but those are the steps I took.

Pokemon link option on the main menu: Pokemon link option on the main menu