Parse for iOS: Errors when trying to run the app

This is some sort of bug associated with the Parse iOS 1.1.33 release as multiple people are seeing the same errors- myself included.

There are a couple of workarounds-

If you're not using a library which requires the -ObjC linker flag, you can remove -ObjC from your project:

Build Settings > Other Linker Flags > remove -ObjC

or if you are using a library which requires that flag, you can add the Facebook SDK.

Both options will eliminate the errors. Hopefully they fix this as I have no need for the Facebook SDK in my app.

Follow the discussion here:

Here's a potentially simpler workaround than downloading, compiling, and installing the FB kit which is kind of large and cumbersome. Note that, of course, you won't be able to use any of the FB type functionality in Parse and you will run into severe issues if you trigger any of the Parse code that is expecting to use these dummy symbols. But, if you stay away from them you'll be OK I think. So...

  1. Create an object in your application called FBMissingSymbols

  2. Delete the .h you won't need it

  3. Put this in the .m :

NSString *FBTokenInformationExpirationDateKey = @"";
NSString *FBTokenInformationTokenKey = @"";
NSString *FBTokenInformationUserFBIDKey = @"";
@interface FBAppCall:NSObject
@implementation FBAppCall
@interface FBRequest:NSObject
@implementation FBRequest
@interface FBSession:NSObject
@implementation FBSession
@interface FBSessionTokenCaching:NSObject
@implementation FBSessionTokenCaching
@interface FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy:NSObject
@implementation FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy

You have to delete the old ParseFacebookUtils.framework and keep the new ParseFacebookUtilsV4.framework to get it working.

I loved dbquarrel's answer, but it doesn't work anymore because it is lacking some new social classes.

So do the same thing, but instead, add this:

NSString *FBTokenInformationExpirationDateKey = @"";
NSString *FBTokenInformationTokenKey = @"";
NSString *FBTokenInformationUserFBIDKey = @"";
NSString *SLServiceTypeTwitter = @"";
NSString *ACAccountTypeIdentifierTwitter = @"";
@interface FBAppCall:NSObject
@implementation FBAppCall
@interface FBRequest:NSObject
@implementation FBRequest
@interface FBSession:NSObject
@implementation FBSession
@interface FBSessionTokenCaching:NSObject
@implementation FBSessionTokenCaching
@interface FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy:NSObject
@implementation FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy
@interface ACAccountStore:NSObject
@implementation ACAccountStore
@interface SLRequest:NSObject
@implementation SLRequest
@interface SLComposeViewController:NSObject
@implementation SLComposeViewController