How to take 9:41 am screenshots on an iOS Simulator and Device?

I know that it's possible to record the screen on Yosemite and take screenshots that have 9:41 am. Is this same functionality possible with the Simulator?

Starting with Xcode 11 beta 4, you can use the xcrun simctl command to set the time and battery in the Simulator.

xcrun simctl status_bar <device> override --time "9:41" \
    --batteryState charged --batteryLevel 100

Example of usage:

xcrun simctl status_bar "iPhone 11 Pro Max" override --time "9:41" \
    --batteryState charged --batteryLevel 100

The simulator needs to be run before executing the command.

See for more details.

There are 2 ways to do this:

1. Clone, build and run SimulatorStatusMagic in your simulator.

This will only work for your simulator.

cd ~/Desktop
git clone [email protected]:shinydevelopment/SimulatorStatusMagic.git
cd ~/Desktop/SimulatorStatusMagic
open SimulatorStatusMagic.xcodeproj/
# Build the "Framework" Target
# Build & RUN the "SimulatorStatusMagic" in your Emulator

2. via QuickTime Player:

This will only work for your device.

  • Connect your own device to your Mac.
  • Open "QuickTime Player" (Install if required)
  • File → New Movie Recording
  • Click the dropdown next to the Red Record button
  • Select your iPhone e.g: "Anil's iPhone"
  • Record and bring your screen up, then Stop the recording.
  • Now you can "Play" your recording, find the screen you want, pause it,
    Edit Menu → Copy (will copy the screen grab).

Both should result in something like this (Time 9:41 AM - Full Battery and Wifi):

How to take a 9 41 AM iPhone Screenshot