Linux: How can I duplicate my desktop and show it side-by-side on a single screen? (pics)

Solution 1:

I see two parts here:

  1. Split the screen into two virtual displays
  2. Mirror the left display on the right.

Splitting the screen

Splitting the screen is addressed in the post
How to vertically split widescreen into two virtual workspaces on Ubuntu/Gnome?.

This uses the free and open-source Fake Xinerama. Using it is described in detail in this answer. If this does not work for you, then another answer uses xrandr to split the screen.

An alternate method that uses Compiz is described in the Ask Ubuntu post Split monitor in two.

Mirroring the display

See the post Mirror display on Ubuntu 18.04 for an answer that uses xrandr to mirror the displays:

xrandr --output eDP-1 --output DP-2 --same-as eDP-1

Running xrandr without arguments gives the list of displays and their resolutions, to be used as above.