Is there a word describing someone who is ignorant in the ways of Science?

Solution 1:

Since you are "looking for a world" where this happens, I would suggest Earth.

If you are looking for a word, I can't help you but I can offer:

  • scientifically illiterate
  • unscientific
  • non-analytic
  • non-evidence based

Of a more anti-technology (rather than anti-science) turn, we have: - Luddite - technophobe

Solution 2:

If we go from antiscience ideology, we can call them antiscientist. (or anti-scientist). "Antiscience proponent" is another phrase that is used in some of the sources.

The term "anti-science" refers to persons or organizations that promote their ideology over scientifically-verified evidence, either by denying said evidence and/or inventing their own.

This modern usage of the term should not be confused with the anti-science movement in the 1960s and 1970s, which was largely concerned with the possible dehumanizing aspects of uncontrolled scientific and technological advancement.

While this skepticism of unchecked change meets the classic dictionary definition of conservatism, it falls far short of the anti-intellectual thrust of modern political conservatism.

The term can also describe policy decisions which, for political reasons, ignore the advice of scientists asked to inform said policy.

If you are looking for an adjective that conveys ignorance, that would be unscientific:

adj 2. ignorant of science

If that any wight ween a thing to be otherwise than it is, it is not only unscience, but it is deceivable opinion. --Chaucer.