Why I get "System.Data.DataRowView" instead of real values in my Listbox?

I'm hoping someone can help. But whenever I run my code and try to view a highscore all I get back in my listbox is System.Data.DataRowView.

Can anyone see why?


MySqlConnection myConn = new MySqlConnection(connStr);

string sqlStr = "SELECT CONCAT(Name, ' ', Score) as NameAndScore " + 
                "FROM highscore ORDER BY Score DESC";

MySqlDataAdapter dAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(sqlStr, myConn);
DataTable dTable = new DataTable();
lstNames.DisplayMember = "NameAndScore";
lstNames.DataSource = dTable;

I always have to deal with this problem, even if I set the DisplayMember and ValueMembers of the List Box.

Your current code is correct and should work, if you need access to the current selected item value of any column of your dTable you can get them doing this:

DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)lstNames.SelectedItem;
String valueOfItem = drv["NameAndScore"].ToString();

What I like about getting the entire DataRowView is that if you have more columns you can still access their values and do whatever you need with them.

The following code should work:

DataSet dSet = new DataSet();

lstNames.DisplayMember = "NameAndScore";
lstNames.ValueMember = "NameAndScore";
lstNames.DataSource = dSet.Tables[0];

If it does not work, please update your question and provide us with some information about the columns and values that are actually returned in dSet.Tables[0].

Set your lstNames.DisplayMember and lstNames.ValueMember fields.

Gets or sets the property to display for this ListControl.

Gets or sets the path of the property to use as the actual value for the items in the ListControl.

This should solve your problem..

Like I said in the comments, please add lstNames.DataBind() to your code.

MySqlConnection myConn = new MySqlConnection(connStr);

string sqlStr = "SELECT CONCAT(Name, ' ', Score) as NameAndScore " + 
                "FROM highscore ORDER BY Score DESC";

MySqlDataAdapter dAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(sqlStr, myConn);
DataTable dTable = new DataTable();
lstNames.DisplayMember = "NameAndScore";
lstNames.ValueMember = "NameAndScore";
lstNames.DataSource = dTable;


Can you try this instead:

MySqlConnection myConn = new MySqlConnection(connStr);

    string sqlStr = "SELECT CONCAT(Name, ' ', Score) as NameAndScore " + 
                    "FROM highscore ORDER BY Score DESC";

  myConn .Open();

  SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStr, SQLConnection1);

      SqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader();
      while (rd.Read())