What happens to Windows 10 Dev Environment after 90 days?

I'm first time using Windows 10 Dev Environment (running on Hyper-V) and I saw that I only have 90 days of usage with this image. It's been 2 days and I've setup most of the tools that I will need for further work. Do I have to download and setup another image every 90 days or I can continue to use this one after this period expires?

After 90 days the VM will not be usable any more, and this is done on purpose. You will lose all your programs that you have setup.

You will need a fresh VM image and repeat your setup of it every 90 days. You don't need to download it again if you take a VM snapshot before starting it for the first time (afterwards it's too late).

If you wish your setup to last more than 90 days, you need to buy a Windows serial key from Microsoft or a vendor. Note that you can't use this serial to activate the evaluation VM, so you'll need to create a new VM from scratch, activate it and repeat your setup.