What are some of the best book in mathematics for general reader? [closed]

I am preparing a list for my department library, consisting books of mathematics for general readers. I've included The men of mathematics by Bell, Fermat's last theorem by S.Singh , The man who knew infinity and The equation that couldn't be solved. But I need more books to add into my list. Can anyone suggest a few more, where mathematical development of certain concepts/problems or evolution is described in a lucid manner or contains mathematics which everyone can understand. Many thanks!

I would recommend these books:

Journey through Genius

Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula

Prime Obsession

The Music of the Primes

Gödel's Proof (by Ernest Nagel)

The Code Book

Here are some examples:

  • Ian Roulstone, John Norbury: Invisible in the Storm: The Role of Mathematics in Understanding Weather
  • Vladimir Arnold: Catastrophe Theory
  • Julian Havil: GAMMA
  • David Harel: Computers Ltd
  • George Szpiro: Kepler's Conjecture
  • Malba Tahan: The Man Who Counted: A Collection of Mathematical Adventures.

My recommendations

  1. Taming the infinite by Ian Stewart.
  2. The great mathematical problems by Ian Stewart.
  3. Does God play dice by Mario Livio
  4. Golden Ratio by Mario Livio