Xerox 3117 driver for OS X Yosemite

Solution 1:


This problem is probably due to kext signing introduced with OS X 10.10 Yosemite. With it you can't run any unsigned drivers and Splix is being a port of Samsung GDI open sourced driver is just a driver and last version being from 2008 it is definitely unsigned.

Basically you have no choice but disable kext signing if you want to use the printer. Make sure you absolutely have to do it and you don't have other options since this change is system wide and system is becoming less secure after that.

In Terminal:

sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"

And reboot. Then try to go with Splix.

Solution 2:

I am on Yosemite and wasted my whole day with this and finally came up with a simple but interesting solution.

Since there is no other option, I used an application like WMware Fusion (or Parallel Desktop). You can install any version of windows. For instance, I installed the good old Windows XP. As long as your printer's legit driver is available for that version of windows everything is fine. Just install your Xerox printer in the Printers option (Control Panel) and that's it!!! Just print everything in there.

It works much faster than when I used with an emulation file of some other weird generic printer. No fonts problem either, all are original.

Until Xerox solves this, this will be my solution for now.