Extract words in Bold, any solution?

The Stack Overflow post Excel extract bold Words in text contains the following VBA function to extract bold text, character by character:

 Public Function findAllBold(ByVal rngText As Range) As String
    Dim theCell As Range
    Set theCell = rngText.Cells(1, 1)

    For i = 1 To Len(theCell.Value)       
        If theCell.Characters(i, 1).Font.Bold = True Then          
            If theCell.Characters(i + 1, 1).Text = " " Then
                theChar = theCell.Characters(i, 1).Text & ", "
                theChar = theCell.Characters(i, 1).Text
            End If
            Results = Results & theChar
        End If
   Next i
   findAllBold = Results
End Function

This function adds commas between the found words. To omit this, delete this text : & ", ". The entire if command can in this case be shortened to one line:
theChar = theCell.Characters(i, 1).Text.

Use this function to extract the bold text from the first cell, then extend the formula to the following lines:

enter image description here