How can I publish my project code online so someone can help me with it?

My local project has some code that is not working, and I'd like to show it to someone to have a look at and possibly give me a hand with it. This isn't a short snippet or a single file; there are multiple files and directories involved.

How can I best publish my code?

Use Launchpad's +junk branch feature to publish your code to a temporary location. In fact, it is not temporary, as it will remain there until you explicitly delete it, but it is a nice place to put unfinished code you're experimenting with on a public location.

This way it will stay out of the way from your regular branches, but you'll still be able to access it and show it to everyone online.

The only requirement is that you've got a Launchpad account and have uploaded SSH keys and finished the procedure to use Launchpad for code hosting.

After that, you simply need to run this command on your terminal, from the location where your code lives:

bzr push lp:~<your-launchpad-id>/+junk/<name-of-your-temp-branch>

That's it! You'll then be able to point other people to<your-launchpad-id>/+junk/<name-of-your-temp-branch>

Use a GitHub gist - You don't even need to register.

There's also Codereview SE, which is in public beta. Maybe not the best place for a big project, but another option.