Pandas 'count(distinct)' equivalent

Solution 1:

I believe this is what you want:



In [2]: table
0           1     201301
1           1     201301
2           2     201301
3           1     201302
4           2     201302
5           2     201302
6           3     201302

In [3]: table.groupby('YEARMONTH').CLIENTCODE.nunique()
201301       2
201302       3

Solution 2:

Here is another method and it is much simpler. Let’s say your dataframe name is daat and the column name is YEARMONTH:


Solution 3:

Interestingly enough, very often len(unique()) is a few times (3x-15x) faster than nunique().

Solution 4:

I am also using nunique but it will be very helpful if you have to use an aggregate function like 'min', 'max', 'count' or 'mean' etc.

df.groupby('YEARMONTH')['CLIENTCODE'].transform('nunique') #count(distinct)
df.groupby('YEARMONTH')['CLIENTCODE'].transform('min')     #min
df.groupby('YEARMONTH')['CLIENTCODE'].transform('max')     #max
df.groupby('YEARMONTH')['CLIENTCODE'].transform('mean')    #average
df.groupby('YEARMONTH')['CLIENTCODE'].transform('count')   #count

Solution 5:

Distinct of column along with aggregations on other columns

To get the distinct number of values for any column (CLIENTCODE in your case), we can use nunique. We can pass the input as a dictionary in agg function, along with aggregations on other columns:

grp_df = df.groupby('YEARMONTH').agg({'CLIENTCODE': ['nunique'],
                                      'other_col_1': ['sum', 'count']})

# to flatten the multi-level columns
grp_df.columns = ["_".join(col).strip() for col in grp_df.columns.values]

# if you wish to reset the index