Standard deviation of a list

Since Python 3.4 / PEP450 there is a statistics module in the standard library, which has a method stdev for calculating the standard deviation of iterables like yours:

>>> A_rank = [0.8, 0.4, 1.2, 3.7, 2.6, 5.8]
>>> import statistics
>>> statistics.stdev(A_rank)

I would put A_Rank et al into a 2D NumPy array, and then use numpy.mean() and numpy.std() to compute the means and the standard deviations:

In [17]: import numpy

In [18]: arr = numpy.array([A_rank, B_rank, C_rank])

In [20]: numpy.mean(arr, axis=0)
array([ 0.7       ,  2.2       ,  1.8       ,  2.13333333,  3.36666667,
        5.1       ])

In [21]: numpy.std(arr, axis=0)
array([ 0.45460606,  1.29614814,  1.37355985,  1.50628314,  1.15566239,
        1.2083046 ])