Music tagging software more consistent than Tag&Rename?

A few years ago I spent an insane amount of time using the excellent Tag&Rename program. However, I find that for random, inexplicable reasons, some music tools simply disregard my tags, drop or destroy the album art, or have strange handling around some characters. For example, "AC/DC" is poorly handled by most music players when I use Tag&Rename to write the tags. And if I write the tag in iTunes, Winamp seems to not like it, vice versa, and neither of those work with Amarok.

Is there a piece of software that works like Tag&Rename but is more compatible, or is there a way to ensure Tag&Rename writes more compatible tags?

Nope, there are too many poorly-defined, inconsistent "standards" for the metadata to be properly interpreted by multiple players. Pick the player you are most likely to use and tag to its standards. You really can't do any better.

See also Tag&Rename tag editor FAQ but don't expect its suggestions to work.

Also, bear in mind that 30+ years ago, AC/DC had the good sense to include in their name an ASCII character commonly used to delineate directory structures in computer filesystems, thereby making it very difficult to properly tag them.

If Meta\\ica had been smart like AC/DC, they never would have had those problems with Napster.