Green text "Profile" appears on login? (OSX Yosemite)

Whenever I login to my machine some green text appears in the top left saying "Profile". It has done this since OSX Mavericks too.

Here's a screenshot: enter image description here

This happens because of Razr's mouse and keyboard software that allows you to designate profiles for key bindings. The profile that is being used is displayed in green text in the corner of the screen on when logging in.

Definitely Razer's Synapse software telling you which profile is currently active, as it starts on login, it pop's up on login. It also shows up on profile changes e.g. when you have profiles for different applications, it pops up every time you change to those applications.
Very annoying behaviour and I'd love to find a way to disable that crap (maybe an empty name works, otherwise there's always Controller Mate)