Cannot add a project to a Tomcat server in Eclipse

I cannot add my project to a server in Eclipse - why is that?

I installed all necessary tools (Web Dev, Java EE, Server Adapters, and Tomcat itself, everything)

I configured the runtime environments, adjusted all Java Versions to JDK 6 (because it should run on Tomcat 6), but still the left side of the dialogue where I could add resources is empty when creating a new server.

What else could I try?

PS: I am using Eclipse v4.2 (Juno) on Windows 7 Professional.

You didn't create your project as "Dynamic Web Project", so Eclipse doesn't recognize it like a web project. Create a new "Dynamic Web Project" or go to PropertiesProjects Facets and check Dynamic Web Module.

  1. Right click on the project name in the Package Explorer view.
  2. Select Properties
  3. Select Project Facets
  4. Click on the Runtimes tab
  5. Check Server
  6. Click on OK

And now:

  1. Right click on the server name in the Servers view
  2. Click on Add and Remove...
  3. Move resources to the right column

If you are able to see the project in Eclipse project explorer but unable to see the project while adding the project to the web server, follow project properties -> Project Facets, make sure Dynamic Web Module & Java were ticked.

  1. Right-click on project
  2. Go to properties => project factes
  3. Click on runtime tab
  4. Check the box of the server
  5. Then ok

Close the eclipse and start the server you will able to see and run the project.