Cluster analysis in R: determine the optimal number of clusters

Being a newbie in R, I'm not very sure how to choose the best number of clusters to do a k-means analysis. After plotting a subset of below data, how many clusters will be appropriate? How can I perform cluster dendro analysis?

n = 1000
kk = 10    
x1 = runif(kk)
y1 = runif(kk)
z1 = runif(kk)    
x4 = sample(x1,length(x1))
y4 = sample(y1,length(y1)) 
randObs <- function()
  ix = sample( 1:length(x4), 1 )
  iy = sample( 1:length(y4), 1 )
  rx = rnorm( 1, x4[ix], runif(1)/8 )
  ry = rnorm( 1, y4[ix], runif(1)/8 )
  return( c(rx,ry) )
x = c()
y = c()
for ( k in 1:n )
  rPair  =  randObs()
  x  =  c( x, rPair[1] )
  y  =  c( y, rPair[2] )
z <- rnorm(n)
d <- data.frame( x, y, z )

If your question is how can I determine how many clusters are appropriate for a kmeans analysis of my data?, then here are some options. The wikipedia article on determining numbers of clusters has a good review of some of these methods.

First, some reproducible data (the data in the Q are... unclear to me):

n = 100
g = 6 
d <- data.frame(x = unlist(lapply(1:g, function(i) rnorm(n/g, runif(1)*i^2))), 
                y = unlist(lapply(1:g, function(i) rnorm(n/g, runif(1)*i^2))))

enter image description here

One. Look for a bend or elbow in the sum of squared error (SSE) scree plot. See & for more. The location of the elbow in the resulting plot suggests a suitable number of clusters for the kmeans:

mydata <- d
wss <- (nrow(mydata)-1)*sum(apply(mydata,2,var))
  for (i in 2:15) wss[i] <- sum(kmeans(mydata,
plot(1:15, wss, type="b", xlab="Number of Clusters",
     ylab="Within groups sum of squares")

We might conclude that 4 clusters would be indicated by this method: enter image description here

Two. You can do partitioning around medoids to estimate the number of clusters using the pamk function in the fpc package.

library(fpc) <- pamk(d)
cat("number of clusters estimated by optimum average silhouette width:",$nc, "\n")

enter image description hereenter image description here

# we could also do:
asw <- numeric(20)
for (k in 2:20)
  asw[[k]] <- pam(d, k) $ silinfo $ avg.width <- which.max(asw)
cat("silhouette-optimal number of clusters:",, "\n")
# still 4

Three. Calinsky criterion: Another approach to diagnosing how many clusters suit the data. In this case we try 1 to 10 groups.

fit <- cascadeKM(scale(d, center = TRUE,  scale = TRUE), 1, 10, iter = 1000)
plot(fit, sortg = TRUE, grpmts.plot = TRUE) <- as.numeric(which.max(fit$results[2,]))
cat("Calinski criterion optimal number of clusters:",, "\n")
# 5 clusters!

enter image description here

Four. Determine the optimal model and number of clusters according to the Bayesian Information Criterion for expectation-maximization, initialized by hierarchical clustering for parameterized Gaussian mixture models

# See
# Run the function to see how many clusters
# it finds to be optimal, set it to search for
# at least 1 model and up 20.
d_clust <- Mclust(as.matrix(d), G=1:20) <- dim(d_clust$z)[2]
cat("model-based optimal number of clusters:",, "\n")
# 4 clusters

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Five. Affinity propagation (AP) clustering, see

d.apclus <- apcluster(negDistMat(r=2), d)
cat("affinity propogation optimal number of clusters:", length(d.apclus@clusters), "\n")
# 4
plot(d.apclus, d)

enter image description hereenter image description here

Six. Gap Statistic for Estimating the Number of Clusters. See also some code for a nice graphical output. Trying 2-10 clusters here:

clusGap(d, kmeans, 10, B = 100, verbose = interactive())

Clustering k = 1,2,..., K.max (= 10): .. done
Bootstrapping, b = 1,2,..., B (= 100)  [one "." per sample]:
.................................................. 50 
.................................................. 100 
Clustering Gap statistic ["clusGap"].
B=100 simulated reference sets, k = 1..10
 --> Number of clusters (method 'firstSEmax', SE.factor=1): 4
          logW   E.logW        gap     SE.sim
 [1,] 5.991701 5.970454 -0.0212471 0.04388506
 [2,] 5.152666 5.367256  0.2145907 0.04057451
 [3,] 4.557779 5.069601  0.5118225 0.03215540
 [4,] 3.928959 4.880453  0.9514943 0.04630399
 [5,] 3.789319 4.766903  0.9775842 0.04826191
 [6,] 3.747539 4.670100  0.9225607 0.03898850
 [7,] 3.582373 4.590136  1.0077628 0.04892236
 [8,] 3.528791 4.509247  0.9804556 0.04701930
 [9,] 3.442481 4.433200  0.9907197 0.04935647
[10,] 3.445291 4.369232  0.9239414 0.05055486

Here's the output from Edwin Chen's implementation of the gap statistic: enter image description here

Seven. You may also find it useful to explore your data with clustergrams to visualize cluster assignment, see for more details.

Eight. The NbClust package provides 30 indices to determine the number of clusters in a dataset.

nb <- NbClust(d, diss=NULL, distance = "euclidean",
        method = "kmeans",,, 
        index = "alllong", alphaBeale = 0.1)
hist(nb$[1,], breaks = max(na.omit(nb$[1,])))
# Looks like 3 is the most frequently determined number of clusters
# and curiously, four clusters is not in the output at all!

enter image description here

If your question is how can I produce a dendrogram to visualize the results of my cluster analysis, then you should start with these: And see here for more exotic methods:

Here are a few examples:

d_dist <- dist(as.matrix(d))   # find distance matrix 
plot(hclust(d_dist))           # apply hirarchical clustering and plot

enter image description here

# a Bayesian clustering method, good for high-dimension data, more details:
x <- as.matrix(d)
d.bclus <- bclust(x, transformed.par = c(0, -50, log(16), 0, 0, 0))
viplot(imp(d.bclus)$var); plot(d.bclus); ditplot(d.bclus)
dptplot(d.bclus, scale = 20, horizbar.plot = TRUE,varimp = imp(d.bclus)$var, horizbar.distance = 0, dendrogram.lwd = 2)
# I just include the dendrogram here

enter image description here

Also for high-dimension data is the pvclust library which calculates p-values for hierarchical clustering via multiscale bootstrap resampling. Here's the example from the documentation (wont work on such low dimensional data as in my example):

boston.pv <- pvclust(Boston)

enter image description here

Does any of that help?

It's hard to add something too such an elaborate answer. Though I feel we should mention identify here, particularly because @Ben shows a lot of dendrogram examples.

d_dist <- dist(as.matrix(d))   # find distance matrix 
clusters <- identify(hclust(d_dist))

identify lets you interactively choose clusters from an dendrogram and stores your choices to a list. Hit Esc to leave interactive mode and return to R console. Note, that the list contains the indices, not the rownames (as opposed to cutree).