Favorite Unix command line aliases? [closed]

What are your favorite command line aliases (bash/sh/tcsh) aliases? Here are a few of mine.

alias lsr='ls -lrt'
alias gon='cd $HOME/Notes'
alias devdb='mysql -h dev --user=x --password=secret dbname'
alias ec='rm *~'; # emacs cleanup
alias h='history'
alias eb='exec bash'; # Solaris sometimes defaults to sh
alias mr='more'
alias mroe='more'
alias qd='echo export DISPLAY=$DISPLAY'
alias ralias='. $HOME/.alias'; # reread aliases
alias ,,='cd ../..'
alias ..='cd ..'
alias c='clear'

Solution 1:

function s()
    screen -t "$@" /usr/bin/ssh "$@"

Connect to a host in a new screen tab, with the device name as the tab title.

Solution 2:

My favourites that haven't been mentioned so far:

alias l='ls'
alias u='cd ..'
alias uu='cd ../..'
alias uuu='cd ../../..'
alias uuuu='cd ../../../..'

I'm not normally a fan of aliases that just shorten things, but I type ls so very much, and l only needs one hand.

Solution 3:

none since I can never guarantee they'll be configured on EVERY system I'll log into (as myself, root, or whoever).

Solution 4:

None, I change between systems so much every day that I basically gave up on it.

Solution 5:

alias ..="cd .."
alias ...="cd ../.."

# mkdir and enter it immediately thereafter
mcd()           { mkdir $1 && cd $1; }

# when entering a directory, list the contents.
cd()            { builtin cd "$@" && ls; }