What USEFUL bitwise operator code tricks should a developer know about? [closed]

Using bitwise operations on strings (characters)

Convert letter to lowercase:

  • OR by space => (x | ' ')
  • Result is always lowercase even if letter is already lowercase
  • eg. ('a' | ' ') => 'a' ; ('A' | ' ') => 'a'

Convert letter to uppercase:

  • AND by underline => (x & '_')
  • Result is always uppercase even if letter is already uppercase
  • eg. ('a' & '_') => 'A' ; ('A' & '_') => 'A'

Invert letter's case:

  • XOR by space => (x ^ ' ')
  • eg. ('a' ^ ' ') => 'A' ; ('A' ^ ' ') => 'a'

Letter's position in alphabet:

  • AND by chr(31)/binary('11111')/(hex('1F') => (x & "\x1F")
  • Result is in 1..26 range, letter case is not important
  • eg. ('a' & "\x1F") => 1 ; ('B' & "\x1F") => 2

Get letter's position in alphabet (for Uppercase letters only):

  • AND by ? => (x & '?') or XOR by @ => (x ^ '@')
  • eg. ('C' & '?') => 3 ; ('Z' ^ '@') => 26

Get letter's position in alphabet (for lowercase letters only):

  • XOR by backtick/chr(96)/binary('1100000')/hex('60') => (x ^ '`')
  • eg. ('d' ^ '`') => 4 ; ('x' ^ '`') => 25

Note: using anything other than the english letters will produce garbage results

  • Bitwise operations on integers(int)

Get the maximum integer

int maxInt = ~(1 << 31);
int maxInt = (1 << 31) - 1;
int maxInt = (1 << -1) - 1;

Get the minimum integer

int minInt = 1 << 31;
int minInt = 1 << -1;

Get the maximum long

long maxLong = ((long)1 << 127) - 1;

Multiplied by 2

n << 1; // n*2

Divided by 2

n >> 1; // n/2

Multiplied by the m-th power of 2

n << m; // (3<<5) ==>3 * 2^5 ==> 96

Divided by the m-th power of 2

n >> m; // (20>>2) ==>(20/( 2^2) ==> 5

Check odd number

(n & 1) == 1;

Exchange two values

a ^= b;
b ^= a;
a ^= b;

Get absolute value

(n ^ (n >> 31)) - (n >> 31);

Get the max of two values

b & ((a-b) >> 31) | a & (~(a-b) >> 31);

Get the min of two values

a & ((a-b) >> 31) | b & (~(a-b) >> 31);

Check whether both have the same sign

(x ^ y) >= 0;

Calculate 2^n

2 << (n-1);

Whether is factorial of 2

n > 0 ? (n & (n - 1)) == 0 : false;

Modulo 2^n against m

m & (n - 1);

Get the average

(x + y) >> 1;
((x ^ y) >> 1) + (x & y);

Get the m-th bit of n (from low to high)

(n >> (m-1)) & 1;

Set the m-th bit of n to 0 (from low to high)

n & ~(1 << (m-1));

n + 1


n - 1


Get the contrast number

~n + 1;
(n ^ -1) + 1; 

if (x==a) x=b; if (x==b) x=a;

x = a ^ b ^ x;

See the famous Bit Twiddling Hacks
Most of the multiply/divide ones are unnecessary - the compiler will do that automatically and you will just confuse people.

But there are a bunch of, 'check/set/toggle bit N' type hacks that are very useful if you work with hardware or communications protocols.