How to make Egit remember password and username?

Solution 1:

Struggled with this for a while too:

  1. Go to the Git Perspective -> Expand your Project -> Expand Remotes -> Expand the remote you want to save your password.
  2. Right-click on the Fetch or Push -> Select Change Credentials...
  3. Enter username and password -> Select Ok

This is the workaround I've found to work. It's a bit manual for each Git project, but it works ^_^.

Solution 2:

I had different problem. My credentials where saved permanently and I couldn't delete nor change them. Everytime I had Auth Fail from git and maybe You got same problem but in your case it prompts again. Maybe it will help You or others. I went to Preferences -> General -> Security -> Secure storage and in Contents tab deleted "Default Secure Storage" and restarted Eclipse. Then eGit asked me for password again and successfully saved it in storage.

Solution 3:

You could use ssh url for your repo, and add your ssh public and private key to EGit.

Or you can activate a credential helper, in order to git to record your credentials.