Change one colour to another?
Solution 1:
If you load a GIF image, you likely have a paletted image. Make sure to change it to RGB first with: Image → Mode → RGB. Changing colors (including resize operations) won't work very well with palettes because Gimp limits its selection of colors to the colors defined in the palette.
I suggest rotating Hue in Colors → Hue-Saturation.
Given an initial image like this:
You change Hue first by clicking on Master and then dragging the Hue slider and then adjust Brightness and Constrast to your liking.
The result looks like this:
You can easily make it colder or warmer, darker or lighter, more or less saturated.
Solution 2:
If you are using GIMP 2.8.2, you can simple use Colors -> Map -> Color Exchange
Source: How can I swap colors with GIMP?