Is there a jasmine matcher to compare objects on subsets of their properties

Jasmine 2.0


Since this fix: it even works on nested objects, you just need to wrap each object you want to match partially in jasmine.objectContaining()

Simple example:

it('can match nested partial objects', function ()
    var joc = jasmine.objectContaining;
        a: {x: 1, y: 2}, 
        b: 'hi' 
        a: joc({ x: 1})

I've had the same problem. I just tried this code, it works for me :


I don't think it is that common and I don't think you can find one. Just write one:

beforeEach(function () {
        toInclude: function (expected) {
            var failed;

            for (var i in expected) {
                if (expected.hasOwnProperty(i) && !this.actual.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                    failed = [i, expected[i]];

            if (undefined !== failed) {
                this.message = function() {
                    return 'Failed asserting that array includes element "'
                        + failed[0] + ' => ' + failed[1] + '"';
                return false;

            return true;