frequency out of range - please change display mode

Solution 1:

I usually get this problem every time i upgrade OS.What normally happens for me is after displaying out of frequency range for a while it eventually loads ubuntu without problem. it was the grub menu loaded before ubuntu that was replaced/not shown because of the out of frequency warning.For some, if ubuntu still doesn't load,by pressing enter whilst seeing out of frequency range you should get ubuntu to boot.

For me it was a simple fix .

Once in Ubuntu go to a terminal and run:

gksu gedit /etc/default/grub

A graphical text editor will open. Remove the # from in front of:


Save the file and close it. Now run:

sudo update-grub

Reboot, and the "frequency out of range" issue should be resolved.

Solution 2:

  1. Install and run Boot-Repair from a liveCD or liveUSB
  2. Click Advanced options
  3. Go to the GRUB options tab
  4. Tick the out-of-range option
  5. Apply
  6. Reboot your system.

Solution 3:

In my case, the instalation won't worked. I did this on a Persistent Live USB:

  • press Ctrl+F1 to open a console;

  • stop X

    sudo service lightdm stop

    Ctrl+C (I needed this)

    pgrep X

    use the pid to kill the process:

    sudo kill pid
  • generate a config file to X

    X -configure

even if some erro it happens, edit the file, I used nano.


Eeliminate all screens sections except screen0, eliminate references to eliminated screens.

On screen0 change device from Card0 to another, in my case Card2 worked.

Save the file and copy it:

cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf


sudo reboot

I hope it helps!