"Run as Administrator" vs "Run (As Admin!)"

What is the difference between "Run as Administrator" and "Run (As Admin!)"?

enter image description here

"Run as administrator" appears to be a normal Windows 10 context menu entry.

"Run (As Admin!)" is very much not a normal entry - Microsoft does not use exclamation points in commands like that. Whatever it is, it's third party, and I would suggest you don't use it. It's entirely possible it's meant to steal account credentials. You should scour your system, figure out where it came from, and get rid of it if you can't verify it is benign.

What is the difference between Run as Administrator vs Run (As Admin!)?

  • You need to check the Windows registry entries to find out what Run (as Admin!) and what it does by checking the command line you have there.

Look in these keys.





Call some support to remove/delete this key, do not try by your self, learn first how to backup/restore windows register before try to learn how to delete anything...

Save this code below as query_reg.cmd and run it; this will make a query on each key (also sub keys),

Thus, it will be possible to compare the commands / values ​​of the normal / standard Windows entry and this strange one in its context menu.

@echo off 


for %%k in ("HKCR\Directory\shell","HKCR\Directory\shell\runas","HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\*",^
    "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory","HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications") do echo/%%~k && (
            for /f tokens^=* %%i in ('%__APPDIR__%reg.exe query %%k /s /f "Admin"') do (
               echo/%%i >>"%temp%\cmd_from_keys.log" && echo/%%i
start "Reg Querys" notepad.exe "%temp%\cmd_from_keys.log"