Google Geocoding v2 API stopped working suddenly

The Geocoding v2 API stopped unexpectedly.


I'm not able to get lat,long from the API. The output from server is:

  "Status": {
    "code": 610,
    "request": "geocode"

I searched for status: 610 but could not find any relevant info.


The service has been stopped.

It is the 8th of March.

See the top of this page for information on the death of v2

See The Google Geocoding API for v3



Actually, there is a page about upgrading to v3 that may be of use.



As just pointed out, the Geocoding API V2 deprecation timeline was just extended by another 6 months, but be careful of your usage.

From @FrVaBe's link: "Today we’re also reducing the limit on Geocoding API V2 from 15,000 requests per day to 2,500 requests per day, which is equivalent to the daily limit on the Geocoding API V3."

It seems that you are using Geocoding API V2. You can find the list of status codes here. The status you get is

610     G_GEO_BAD_KEY  
The given key is either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given. 

So check to use the right API version (obvious V3 - V2 has been stopped as @Rafe mentions)

I never used this API but request should have this form