How can I run a grunt task from within a grunt task?

I've created a new grunt task and within it I want to use grunt-contrib-concat to concatenate a few files together.

I looked through the docs but I don't find anything that hinted at being able to do this. It seems like a trivial use case, so I'm probably just over looking something.

Update 1:

I also want to be able to configure this task from within my custom task.

For example, I create a list of files in my custom task. After I have that list, I want to pass them to the concat task. How can I do that?

I would like to be able to do something like this.'concat', { src: ['file1','file2'], dest: 'out.js'})

Update 2:

To achieve what I want, I have to manually configure the grunt task. Here's an example that showed me what I wanted.

Solution 1:

Here's an example of manually configuring a task within a task and then running it.

 grunt.registerMultiTask('multicss', 'Minify CSS files in a folder', function() {
        var count = 0;
        grunt.file.expandFiles( {
            var property = 'mincss.css'+count+'.files';
            var value = {};
            value[file] = file;
            grunt.config(property, value);
            grunt.log.writeln("Minifying CSS "+file);

Solution 2:


grunt.registerTask('foo', 'My "foo" task.', function() {
  // Enqueue "bar" and "baz" tasks, to run after "foo" finishes, in-order.'bar', 'baz');
  // Or:['bar', 'baz']);

Solution 3:

Thx to Arron that pointed us out in the right direction to his own question. The grunt.config is the key from the example above. This task will override the src property of the browserify task

Task definition:

  grunt.registerTask('tests', function (spec) {

    if (spec) {
      grunt.config('browserify.tests.src', spec);
    }['jshint', 'browserify:tests', 'jasmine']);


Task call:

grunt tests


grunt tests:somewhere/specPath.js