What is another name for Dick?

Coming from "Changes in English names of people" telling:

Richard → Dick

Can I substitute Dick by Richard?
I need it to know because my Emails with the use of name Dick are being returned by Email filtering as obscene

Or what is substitute for name Dick?

I already asked it before but my question was deleted

Why is Dick Cheney, former Vice President of the USA, is always written/addresses everywhere in a tone of familiarity?
How can I call/address him without a tone of familiarity by a synonymous name?

So, I should address Dick Cheney as Richard Cheney instead?
Have I understood correctly the answers?

I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you looking for other nicknames for Richard because an (over-zealous) obscenity filter choked on Dick? If so, some possibilities include Rich, Richie, Rick, or Ricky. If you want, you could even try resurrecting some now-obsolete nicknames: Hitch, Hick, Dickon, Ricket, Hicket, or Hudde. (I got these from The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E.G. Withycombe, under Richard.)

Richard is the safest one. The others assume a tone of familiarity that may be unwelcome (or are just outright bizarre.)