Windows 7: How to boot up in normal mode after improper shut down?

I just had a nasty power outage and gruntled's answer did not fully solve my initial concern 2 years ago. Because of an initial misconfiguration, I am now booking an expensive plane trip back to the staff-less server room in the other country just because of a simple boot problem. (no hard feelings)

After doing some more research online and to extend gruntled's answer it seems the correct settings for bcdedit should be:

bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures <-- Newly added setting

bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No

If I don't get any more problems in the future with this setting, I'll keep this as the answer. Hope I saved some lucky person the cost of a plane trip ride back to fix a simple boot problem.

This has been quite the difficult question. There doesn't seem to be much of anything out there. The only viable solution out there seems to be the following.

WARNING: This can damage your system, use at own risk.

First run a command line window as administrator.

Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories > (right-click & "Run as administrator") Command prompt

next run the following commands

bcdedit /export C:\BCDbak

This will make an export of your Boot Configuration Data Store. You can import it with

bcdedit /import C:\BCDbak   
bcdedit /import C:\BCDbak /clean  

You can now try to disable recoverymode with the following command.

bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No

This answer may work for you, but I certainly recommend that you invest in a UPS for this sytem.

EDIT: You can also display your configuration by running

bcdedit /enum


bcdedit /enum /v

Instead of ignoring all failures, you can ignore shutdown failures only:

BCDEdit /set bootstatuspolicy ignoreshutdownfailures

See this MSDN article. If you run BitLocker with TPM key protection, be aware that the TPM will detect the BCD change and refuse key release to Windows. Therefore, make sure to re-seal the key before rebooting.

Manage-bde c: -protectors -disable
Manage-bde c: -protectors -enable