How can I fully remove Ubuntu 12.04 from my MacBook Pro?

I want to remove Ubuntu 12.04 from my MacBook Pro. It's a trial boot system, with MacOS in the first partition, Windows 7 in the second one, and Ubuntu in the last. Now, I want to format this last one, in order to expand the Windows partition.

I tried to do this from MacOS, but I could not.

Everyone can help me, please? (when I insert the ubuntu live CD, after some initial boot screens, the command line says that it can't find the medium... It cannot see my ubuntu CD!)

There are 2 ways to accomplish this. The easiest way is to boot from your Ubuntu Live CD or USB device.

Once the Ubuntu desktop has loaded, start Disk Utility (gparted).

Next, find your Ubuntu partion(s) and format them all as free space. Next, resize your Windows partition (NTFS) to consume the rest of the disk. Accept the operations and wait for a few moments.

That's it!

Good luck. :)

You could try to format it with an Ubuntu live CD.