Yosemite broke Dropbox toolbar shortcut to reveal files in Finder

I just updated to Yosemite, and now I cant access newly added files through the dropdown menu the Dropbox icon in the toolbar provides.

Previously it was possible to reveal a newly added file in finder if a file on the dropdown list was pressed(See picture) But now nothing happens!

Am I the only that has this problem?

The problem..

Solution 1:

Here is how I solved it:

  1. Restart finder via terminal command or just reboot (copy/paste into Terminal: killall Finder && open /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app)

  2. Finder > Go tab > Go To Folder

  3. Drag DropBox to the left favorite column


Solution 2:

I got it working. I restarted my Mac and now its working again. Weird..

Solution 3:

Post Yosemite upgrade, Dropbox contextual menu items and sync status icons in Finder were gone. I downloaded and installed latest 2.10.41 build and that fixed it. Until I rebooted. Then, gone again!