How do I input variables using cin without creating a new line?

Whenever I input a variable using cin, after one hits enter it automatically goes to a new line. I'm curious if there's a way to use cin without having it go to a new line. I'm wanting to cin and cout multiple things on the same line in the command prompt. Is this possible?

You can't use cin or any other standard input for this. But it is certainly possible to get the effect you are going for. I see you're on Windows using Visual Studio, so you can use, for example, _getch. Here's an example that reads until the next whitespace and stores the result in a string.

#include <conio.h> // for _getch

std::string get_word()
    std::string word;
    char c = _getch();
    while (!std::isspace(c))
        std::cout << c;
        c = _getch();
    std::cout << c;
    return word;

It's not very good. For example, it doesn't handle non printing character input very well. But it should give you an idea of what you need to do. You might also be interested in the Windows API keyboard functions.

If you want a wider audience, you will want to look into some cross-platform libraries, like SFML or SDL.

you can also use space for input instead of enter something like this:

cin >> a >> b >> c;

and in input you type

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As others have noted, you can't do this with cin, but you could do it with getchar(). What you would have to do is:

  1. collect each character individually using getchar() (adding each to the end of a string as it is read in, for instance), then
  2. after reading each character, decide when you've reached the end of one variable's value (e.g. by detecting one or more ' ' characters in the input, if you're reading in int or double values), then
  3. if you've reached the end of the text for a variable, convert the string of characters that you've built into a variable of the appropriate type (e.g. int, double, etc.), then
  4. output any content onto the line that might be required, and then
  5. continue for the next variable that you're reading in.

Handling errors robustly would be complicated so I haven't written any code for this, but you can see the approach that you could use.

I don't think what you want to do can be achieved with cin. What you can do is to write all your input in one line, with a delimiter of your choosing, and parse the input string.