ScreenSharing as VNC client/viewer doesn't work in Yosemite

I was using built in ScreenSharing app to connect to a VNC server running on a Linux box.

After upgrading to Yosemite the ScreenSharing icon on my Dock is a question mark now. Does OS X no longer have a built in VNC client?

Solution 1:

On OS X Yosemite the Screen Sharing app moved to the applications subfolder:


Solution 2:

It appears that the application moved (no clue from where to where). All I had to do was enter the path


in a Safari tab, and it came to life. Then just drag the icon that shows up near the bottom of the dock to somewhere up in the middle, and it will stay on my Dock just like the old one had (removed the old one).

(Adjust your machine name and port number accordingly, 5900 is the default)