DNS Root-Server: Is there one Central Root-Server to query the Rootservers itself?

if I want to querey the DNS delegation "manually", I normally start using one of the "DNS-Root-Servers", like b.root-servers.net.

dig @b.root-servers.net test.com

But what if the root servers would change? My question is, is there any possibility to query a "central Server" even being "above" the root servers that returns me the list of Root servers?

You can 'dig @b.root-servers.net . ns' to get updated root hints (which you should do periodically). Every root DNS server can return the root hints, so as long as all the root servers don't change at once you can always get updates re: those that have changed from those that have not.

The authoritative copy of the root hints file is at:


This lists all of the root servers, and includes all relevant A and AAAA records.

Note that Evan's dig @a.root-servers.net . ns is not guaranteed to retrieve all of the records - by default the response is truncated at 512 bytes so some will be missed. You have to add +bufsize=4096 to the dig flags to get the full data, or use a TCP connection (+tcp) instead.

EDIT: BTW, the root zone was actually just updated (17/06/2010). The "I" root server gained an IPv6 address.