finer control of Preview anti-aliasing (font smoothing)?

I have found a solution to this problem: replacing Yosemite's PDFKit with Mavericks' PDFKit. As simple as that. I replaced the contents of /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/PDFKit.framework/Versions/A and everything is working fine now.

For those who don't have a copy of Mavericks from where you can take the PDFKit files, I have uploaded a copy to: (hope there are no copyright issues with this - I will remove the link if asked to do so).

By the way, changing the Current symlink to point to the Mavericks version and keeping the original A/ directory DIDN'T fix the issue. I had to remove the Yosemite version completely and put the Mavericks version contents inside A/ (it seems Preview and Skim both are hard coded to Versions/A and do not follow the Current symlink).

Apparently in Yosemite, Preview doesn't use LCD font smoothing (subpixel rendering) even if LCD font smoothing is enabled from System Preferences. Skim never uses LCD font smoothing either, but the way text is rendered depends on the AppleFontSmoothing setting or whether LCD font smoothing is enabled from System Preferences.

Commands like defaults write -app Preview AppleFontSmoothing -int 2 don't have any effect. I didn't find any preference keys by running strings /Applications/ or strings /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/PDFKit.framework/PDFKit either.

Skim's developer closed a bug about the issue as "can't fix".

Gustavo's Answer fixes the problem on El Capitan 10.11.4 as well.

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