Responsive table handling in Twitter Bootstrap

Solution 1:

Bootstrap 3 now has Responsive tables out of the box. Hooray! :)

You can check it here:

Add a <div class="table-responsive"> surrounding your table and you should be good to go:

<div class="table-responsive">
  <table class="table">

To make it work on all layouts you can do this:

    overflow-x: auto;

Solution 2:

One option that is available is fooTable. Works great on a Responsive website and allows you to set multiple breakpoints... fooTable Link

Solution 3:

There are many different things you can do when dealing with responsive tables.

I personally like this approach by Chris Coyier:


You can find many other alternatives here:


If you can leverage Bootstrap and get something quickly, you can simply use the class names ".hidden-phone" and ".hidden-tablet" to hide some rows but this approach might to be the best in many cases. More info (see "Responsive utility classes"):


Solution 4:

If you are using Bootstrap 3 and Less you could apply the responsive tables to all resolutions by updatingthe file:


or overwriting this part:

@media (max-width: @screen-xs) {
  .table-responsive {
    width: 100%;
    margin-bottom: 15px;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    overflow-x: scroll;
    border: 1px solid @table-border-color;

    // Tighten up spacing and give a background color
    > .table {
      margin-bottom: 0;
      background-color: #fff;

      // Ensure the content doesn't wrap
      > thead,
      > tbody,
      > tfoot {
        > tr {
          > th,
          > td {
            white-space: nowrap;

    // Special overrides for the bordered tables
    > .table-bordered {
      border: 0;

      // Nuke the appropriate borders so that the parent can handle them
      > thead,
      > tbody,
      > tfoot {
        > tr {
          > th:first-child,
          > td:first-child {
            border-left: 0;
          > th:last-child,
          > td:last-child {
            border-right: 0;
        > tr:last-child {
          > th,
          > td {
            border-bottom: 0;


@media (max-width: @screen-lg) {
  .table-responsive {
    width: 100%;

Note how I changed the first line @screen-XX value.

I know making all tables responsive may not sound that good, but I found it extremely useful to have this enabled up to LG on large tables (lots of columns).

Hope it helps someone.