What desktop environment is best suited for small children? [closed]

I've donated my old laptop to my 3 year old kid. Are there any desktop environments designed especially for this age group?

Solution 1:

If you want a fully designed system for children Qimo is ideal.

It is designed visually for children and can not be afraid to break it since it has not the potential of a professional platform.



Qimo web pages

Solution 2:

Ubuntu Education Edition; An official version of Ubuntu Linux designed for use in classrooms and schools.

  • https://edubuntu.org/download

Installation on an existing Ubuntu system

Edubuntu provides application bundles that group educational software by grade level. You can install from the Education category in the "Software Center" entry in the Applications menu or installing the following packages using your favorite package manager:

ubuntu-edu-preschool - Preschool ( < 5 years old) educational application bundle
ubuntu-edu-primary - Primary ( ages 6-12) educational application bundle
ubuntu-edu-secondary - Secondary ( ages 13-18) educational application bundle
ubuntu-edu-tertiary - Tertiary ( university level ) educational application bundle

You can also install all Edubuntu packages, including artwork by installing the edubuntu-desktop package.

More details on what's included in these bundles are available on the Ubuntu wiki.