python refresh/reload

It's unclear what you mean with "refresh", but the normal behavior of Python is that you need to restart the software for it to take a new look on a Python module and reread it.

If your changes isn't taken care of even after restart, then this is due to one of two errors:

  1. The timestamp on the pyc-file is incorrect and some time in the future.
  2. You are actually editing the wrong file.

You can with reload re-read a file even without restarting the software with the reload() command. Note that any variable pointing to anything in the module will need to get reimported after the reload. Something like this:

import themodule
from themodule import AClass

from themodule import AClass

One way to do this is to call reload.

Example: Here is the contents of

def bar():
    return 1

In an interactive session, I can do:

>>> import foo

Then in another window, I can change to:

def bar():
    return "Hello"

Back in the interactive session, calling still returns 1, until I do:

>>> reload(foo)
<module 'foo' from ''>

Calling reload is one way to ensure that your module is up-to-date even if the file on disk has changed. It's not necessarily the most efficient (you might be better off checking the last modification time on the file or using something like pyinotify before you reload), but it's certainly quick to implement.

One reason that Python doesn't read from the source module every time is that loading a module is (relatively) expensive -- what if you had a 300kb module and you were just using a single constant from the file? Python loads a module once and keeps it in memory, until you reload it.

I used the following when importing all objects from within a module to ensure web2py was using my current code:

import buttons
import table
from buttons import *
from table import *

If you are running in an IPython shell, then there are some magic commands that exist.

The IPython docs cover this feature called the autoreload extension.

Originally, I found this solution from Jonathan March's blog posting on this very subject (see point 3 from that link).

Basically all you have to do is the following, and changes you make are reflected automatically after you save:

In [1]: %load_ext autoreload

In [2]: %autoreload 2

In [3]: Import MODULE

In [4]: my_class = Module.class()
Out[4]: ham

In [5]: #make changes to printham and save
In [6]: my_class.printham() 
Out[6]: hamlet