List sorting with multiple attributes and mixed order

Solution 1:

If your attributes are numeric, you have this.

def mixed_order( a ):
    return ( a.attribute1, -a.attribute2 )

someList.sort( key=mixed_order )

If your attributes includes strings or other more complex objects, you have some choices.

The .sort() method is stable: you can do multiple passes. This is perhaps the simplest. It's also remarkably fast.

def key1( a ): return a.attribute1
def key2( a ): return a.attribute2

someList.sort( key=key2, reverse=True )
someList.sort( key=key1 )

If this is the only sort, you can define your own special-purpose comparison operators. Minimally, you need __eq__ and __lt__. The other four can be derived from these two by simple logic.

Solution 2:

A custom function will render your code more readable. If you have many sorting operations and you don't want to create those functions though, you can use lambda's:

L.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(, or -cmp(x.year, y.year))