How to cancel an installation in the Software Center?

Solution 1:

I assume this is what you are talking about?

enter image description here

Near the top of the Software Center is a bar with "All Software, Installed, and History" When you have a install working, there is also an In progress to the right of History

Click on the In Progress tab and you will see Matlab with the progress bar, next to the progress bar will be an X if you click the X it will cancel the install.

If you have already installed it, you can not cancel it but you can completely remove it from your system. The easiest way to get rid of it completely would be in a terminal, enter this command

sudo apt-get purge matlab-support

Solution 2:

I just figured it out

goto a command line and enter the following.

pkill -15 dpkg

**this may be last measure to get software centre to continue processing

and when I did it I had to then install MatLab Manually

Solution 3:

This method does not install MatLab, but rather tries to configure it for better integration with the Ubuntu/Debian standard (for applications installation).

Do you already have MatLab (non-free software)?

Have you tried going back into Software Center, searching installed software for 'MatLab', and then click on 'Remove'?

Solution 4:

I faced an almost exact problem that was resolved on this thread: Unable To Cancel Installation In Software Center (Matlab)

It involves finding the blocking processes and killing them.