Looking for a CSS Parser in java [closed]

I'm looking for a CSS Parser in java. In particular my requirement is, for a given node/element in an HTML document, to be able to ask/get the css styles for that element from the Parser.

I know there is the W3C SAC interface and one or 2 implementations based on this - but turorials/examples appear non-existant.

Any help/points in right direction much appreciated.


Solution 1:

I've used CSSParser and I like it- it gives good feedback on errors as well.

Here's some sample code I've found and modified:

package com.dlogic;

import com.steadystate.css.parser.CSSOMParser;
import org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource;
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleSheet;
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRuleList;
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRule;
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleRule;
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleDeclaration;
import java.io.*;

public class CSSParserTest 

    protected static CSSParserTest oParser;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            oParser = new CSSParserTest();

            if (oParser.Parse("design.css")) {

                System.out.println("Parsing completed OK");

            } else {

                System.out.println("Unable to parse CSS");


     public boolean Parse(String cssfile) 

         FileOutputStream out = null; 
         PrintStream ps = null; 
         boolean rtn = false;


                // cssfile accessed as a resource, so must be in the pkg (in src dir).
                InputStream stream = oParser.getClass().getResourceAsStream(cssfile);

                 // overwrites and existing file contents
                 out = new FileOutputStream("log.txt");

                 if (out != null)
                     //log file
                     ps = new PrintStream( out );
                     System.setErr(ps); //redirects stderr to the log file as well

                 } else {

                     return rtn; 


                InputSource source = new InputSource(new InputStreamReader(stream));
                CSSOMParser parser = new CSSOMParser();
                // parse and create a stylesheet composition
                CSSStyleSheet stylesheet = parser.parseStyleSheet(source, null, null);

                // now iterate through the dom and inspect.

                CSSRuleList ruleList = stylesheet.getCssRules();

                ps.println("Number of rules: " + ruleList.getLength());

               for (int i = 0; i < ruleList.getLength(); i++) 
                 CSSRule rule = ruleList.item(i);
                 if (rule instanceof CSSStyleRule) 
                     CSSStyleRule styleRule=(CSSStyleRule)rule;
                     ps.println("selector:" + i + ": " + styleRule.getSelectorText());
                     CSSStyleDeclaration styleDeclaration = styleRule.getStyle();

                     for (int j = 0; j < styleDeclaration.getLength(); j++) 
                          String property = styleDeclaration.item(j);
                          ps.println("property: " + property);
                          ps.println("value: " + styleDeclaration.getPropertyCSSValue(property).getCssText());
                          ps.println("priority: " + styleDeclaration.getPropertyPriority(property));   

                  }// end of StyleRule instance test
                } // end of ruleList loop

               if (out != null) out.close();
               if (stream != null) stream.close();
               rtn = true;
            catch (IOException ioe)
                System.err.println ("IO Error: " + ioe);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.err.println ("Error: " + e);

                if (ps != null) ps.close(); 

            return rtn;



Solution 2:

A CSS library for reading and writing CSS2 and CSS3 files in Java is ph-css from https://github.com/phax/ph-css It is based on a JavaCC grammar and supports both CSS2 as well as CSS3 and additionally lets you parse HTML style attributes.

  • It supports the most common hacks "*", "_" and "$" which are not spec compliant
  • It supports CSS math - the calc() expression
  • It supports the @page rule
  • It supports the CSS3 media queries
  • It supports @viewport rules
  • It supports @keyframes rules
  • It supports @supports rules - quite new
  • It supports the @namespace rules
  • You can get source location information for the different elements (line + column number for start and end - both for the tag as well as for the complete construct)

Since May 21st, 2013 a JDK 1.5 version is also available, which makes it more interesting for Android development

Solution 3:

I needed a CSS parser for an own project, but I found "CSSParser" to be too tedious and inflexible to work with (but that could have just been me), so I ended up writing my own simple but functional CSS parser.

Feel free to use it if you want to :-)


Solution 4:

an addition to cssparser.sourcefourge.net,



Solution 5:

Check out SAC and its implementstions here: http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/SAC/

CSSParser is a little bit out of date