Multi-line comments in Xcode
Is there a way to comment various lines at the same time in Xcode IDE? Selecting which lines to comment, then clicking somewhere et voilá.. the /* ... */ characters wrapping the code.
Thank you.
Command + Shift + 7
Command + /
This inserts //
in front of every selected line.
Xcode Version 6.1
To Comment: Select the code to be comment, ⌘ + /
To uncomment: Select the code an press ⌘ + /
Also see taskbar Editor>Structure "(un)Comment Selection" as user 2137640 pointed out.
The answer is actually very simple if you want to comment a continuous sequence of lines. Select the consecutive lines, then simply press ⌘ /.
I have no idea how to comment multiple non-consecutive lines. Maybe somebody else can help with this, if it is even possible (I doubt it.)
There is such a function in the menu. Try: Edit->Insert Text Macro->C->Comment Section. It will create a (multi-line) comment around the currently selected text.
However, using the menu is probably often slower than manually inserting the comments. But, you can also bind a key to the menu item via the preferences key binding settings.
For single line Comment use ⌘+/
For multiline Comment you need to install CComent plugin
to install plugin manager use alcatraz